Saturday, March 14, 2020

30 Seconds Window Wonder / Product Endorsement

Following the bush fires, everything around was covered in a thick film of sticky ash.
Substantial rain since had washed most of that away but under the protective eaves of the house, our windows and screens were still covered.
It was going to to be a laborious task cleaning them all the normal way ie. brush, spray bottle and cloth/newspaper.
The co driver had seen an ad on TV for Full Crystal where you simply connect a bottle of the product to a hose, spray on the liquid and then rinse off.
Voila! Sparkly clean windows and screens!
I was cynical.

This product is sold with the 'order one now and receive one free' incentive so common with these TV promotions. It seems to have replaced the free set of steak knives.
And it isn't cheap.
Reviews of the product were mixed.
But we went to our local hardware store, Bunnings, and got a bottle of a similar product called 30seconds Window Wonder
And what do you know? Worked like a treat. Almost 100% effective against the ash build up on the windows and particularly on the screens.
Don't think the latter have ever been so clean.
I think we will be using this product from now on.
$25 well spent!

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