Sunday, January 03, 2021

COVID-19 / Australia/ 3rd January Update

It’s disappointing to have to reinstate Covid updates for 2021.
We obviously celebrated the virus elimination way too early.
Somehow the Covid made its way to Northern Beaches area of greater Sydney.
It is the USA strain of the virus and it is suspected that lax quarantine measures for international aircrews is the reason. They were not subjected to the same hotel quarantine rules as returning citizens but were required to voluntarily self isolate. It has become obvious many did not.
The northern beaches area was put into lockdown but the virus has since ‘escaped’ to the greater Sydney area as well as neighbouring cities like Wollongong.

Even worse, it has turned up in Victoria obviously brought down from Sydney by visitors to the city.
That state had gone two months without a case due to a very strict but successful Covid elimination policy.
However reduced quarantine measures (some called it whack a mole) were put in place over the four day Christmas/Boxing Day break by the New South Wales government as they “didn’t want to spoil family Christmas celebrations”.
This disastrously backfired with many cases springing up around the city and suburbs after Christmas.
In panic they legislated against New Years Eve celebrations in the city which usually attracts over a million people but still had a fireworks display at Sydney Harbour at midnight.

They have now instigated strict domestic social gathering rules for Sydney and environs and mandated masks for indoor situations including public transport but have allowed a cricket test match with 20,000 spectators to go ahead at a Sydney stadium.
And the NSW premier has now gone on holidays!
And the Prime Minister of the country has basically gone missing only popping up to announce the changing of one word (yes, one word!) of our national anthem.
Huh? (Again!).
But he has form for being absent during crises. Last year, when the country was on fire, he went on family holidays to Hawaii.
What is it with conservative politicians? Just look at their performance, or lack thereof, in other countries around the world during this crises. Economy before society seems to be the common mantra.

So now we on the south coast of NSW, free from the virus since day one, have been inundated with tourists from the infected areas.
We wait with bated breath for the consequences of this over the next weeks.
Do I sound angry?
Yes, I am!

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