Friday, June 04, 2021

COVID-19 / Australia / Update / 2nd & 4th June

The number of virus cases associated with the latest Victorian outbreak is now 60.
There were fears it had made its way into the aged care area again.
Just under 700 deaths of the total Australian 901 deaths to date have come from that sector.
From today’s figures it looks like that bullet may have been dodged however.*
Again, the Federal government is responsible for aged care administration in the country but has virtually done nothing to ensure that care workers and residents have received vaccination priority. 
The states have again stepped in to fill the void.
It also looks like the Victorian lockdown will be extended with the list of their exposure sites now over 500.

Of concern to us locally is that an infected Victorian visited our area, Jervis Bay, 40 minutes to the north 19th to 24th May.
The reason for the worry is because of the apparent highly contagious nature of this variant ie B.1.617.1 (Kappa).
Victorian authorities have spoken about how they are seeing more stranger to stranger transmission with this variant. It’s not just spending time with people which can spread the virus, it could be passing them in a small store.
We shall now be a little more careful with our exposure risk.
Both the co driver and I have had our first AZ shots with the second due for me at the end of the month and the co drivers end of July.
We both had our flu shots a few days ago.
* later this afternoon it was announced that two staff members and two residents of one facility have tested positive. It is interesting they have had the mandatory two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
Update: 4th June
There had been a strange twist to the tale of the virus infection that has caused multiple people just north of us (see above) to get tested and self isolate.
Health authorities are yet to determine how a west Melbourne Victorian family who holidayed on the south coast of NSW contracted a strain of coronavirus not linked to any other local case amid concerns about the unknown source of the infection.
The strain – the more infectious Delta variant that originated in India – has been detected in the family of four who returned to Victoria from Jervis Bay, last week and is a different variant to the other cases in the Melbourne outbreak.

The family had tested positive to the Delta variant, known as B1.617.2, while other local cases in Victoria have been found to have the Kappa variant of the virus, known as B1.617.1.
It was “within the balance of possibility” that the family had acquired their infection in NSW during their holiday. It is a very significant concern as it has not been linked to any sequence cases across Australia from hotel quarantine or anywhere else.
But NSW Health said there was “no evidence whatsoever” the family caught COVID-19 while in NSW.
There are now 64 local coronavirus cases in Victoria.
Excluding the west Melbourne family and their close contacts, all other cases have been genomically linked to a man who completed hotel quarantine in Adelaide before returning to the city last month.
Strange indeed
Stay tuned!

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