Sunday, June 17, 2012

Autumn Colour

We don't get a lot of Autumn colour in Australia. Virtually none of our native trees are deciduous and are green all year round.
But people have planted exotics in their gardens including many deciduous trees. And of course various public parks and botanical gardens have many.
The previous owner of our property planted liquidambers (Liquidambar styraciflua) around the place.
This year they have been particularly colourful.
This rather tall example is on our western boundary and has evergreen natives on either side.

To the left is a silky oak (Grevillea robusta), the biggest of the Grevillea genus which runs to around 250 species. They vary in size from tiny alpine ground covers to this tree which can grow to 30m . This tree is covered in bright yellow toothbrush shaped flowers in spring which attract numerous species of honey eaters as well as parrots.
To the right is a Norfolk Island pine ( Araucaria hetereophylla). Coming from the small island which lies between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia, this is a popular tree along urban beach fronts, in parks and in large gardens. Araucaria is a small genus of about 18 species, three of which grow on the Australian mainland ie. the Hoop pine and the Bunya pine. The most famous member of this family is the recently discovered Wollemi Pine.
The rest are distributed around some pacific islands and South America.

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