Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Strawberry season in Australia starts in July when the farms in the warmer northern parts of the country start sending their fruit to market. It then continues until the following February as warmer weather heads south.
The height of the season seems to be August to October when the huge southern Queensland farms are at their peak production. Fruit quality is excellent and prices are cheap, around $4/kg.

Last year however disaster struck.
Someone was inserting needles into the berries.
This lead to consumers boycotting the product and farmers having to dump tonnes of fruit.
It sent many producers to the wall.

After an intense investigation police found the culprit (a disgruntled employee) and as well as a few copy catters and the industry put in protocols to stop this happening again eg. metal detectors.

Yesterday we had reports that a needle had again been found.
What is wrong with people?
Last time we didn’t boycott, we just cut the berries to be sure they were safe.
Now we will start doing the same.

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