Monday, February 10, 2020

The Currowan Fire / Final Update

As of yesterday, after causing havoc for 74 days and burning through half a million hectares, the Currowan fire is officially out and has been removed from the Fires Near Me app.
This is thanks to an intense East Coast Low weather system that has dumped hundreds of millimeters of rain over the fire ground in the last few days.
Hopefully the fires that it spawned to its south and west will meet a similar fate.

The fire took a number of lives, destroyed 312 and damaged 173 homes and destroyed innumerable out buildings and infrastructure.
On the upside 1,889 homes, including ours, were saved by the tireless work of the Rural Fire Service volunteers.
And we shouldn't forget those who came from overseas to help fight the fires, the state's Fire and Rescue, Police, Ambulance, SES, state and federal government emergency workers at the evacuation centers who all did their part. Also a special shout out to the local communities and businesses who rose to the occasion with numerous acts of kindness and charity.

Now as our creek, previously dry for 9 months, breaks its banks and floods across our lower paddock filling our dams after 200mm of rain in 48 hours, we look forward to putting the trauma behind us, getting the fire damage cleaned up and our farm shed rebuilt, receiving the insurance payout and completing the repair of the final length of fencing.

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