Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bushfire Followup

Representatives of the contractor appointed by the NSW government, Lange O’Rourke, came on Tuesday to assess our damaged buildings and discuss their removal.
There had been some controversy in our area as some people had been refused the free service for various strange reasons. We had noticed that suddenly in correspondence we had received lately that an eligibility clause had been added. Maybe the government’s generous offer was costing far more than anticipated and they introduced some retrospectivity into their terms and conditions. A bit sneaky and unfair I would have thought.
But this didn’t come up at all in our conversation and it was decided that our demolition and removal would take place in around five weeks.

We have yet to decide whether the concrete slab the shed now sits on will go or not. Our builder needs to assess whether it would be suitable for the new structure or whether it is too fire damaged.
He unfortunately has been laid up for weeks after a hip replacement operation and is way behind in business matters.
But the contractors said they only need to know on the day they are here to do the work so no urgency on that.
Anyway we are still mulling over whether we actually need a building the same size or could get away with something smaller. An important criteria is roof area. We would be collecting rain water off it into a tank to supplement our domestic water supply.
We will be glad when that site is completely cleared and we can get on with the fencing replacement program in the vicinity. A 10,000 volt electric fence is currently the only deterrent to stop cattle from wandering.

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