Wednesday, October 07, 2020

COVID-19 / Australia / 7th October Update

So how is Australia doing with Covid-19?
New South Wales has recorded its eleventh straight day of zero locally-acquired corona virus cases. There were 11 new COVID-19 cases confirmed statewide on Tuesday, all of them returned travellers in hotel quarantine. 
Victoria has recorded 15 new corona virus cases and one new death in the past 24 hours. The 14-day average for new cases statewide is currently 10.9, down from 11.9 on Monday.
The strict lock down laws in that state are having the desired affect but there is still a way to go.

Australian death toll now stands at 895.
Discussions on the opening of state borders is on going. November 1st is the target for NSW and Queensland.
So all in all, despite the severe economic and social price the country has paid as a result of the tough measures invoked, compared to many others it has to be said we have done particularly well.

But the fight is not over yet. 
With summer and the long holiday period approaching all governments are emphasizing the need for caution and the avoidance of complacency. 
Strict social distancing rules are still in place, even on beaches, and heavy fines apply to businesses and individuals who do not comply.
Last night the federal government handed down a budget designed to pull Australia out of the most severe global economic crisis since the Great Depression thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here’s a summary

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