Monday, November 02, 2020

Covid-19 / Australia / Doughnut (Donut) Day

Yesterday Australia recorded its first no community Covid transmissions in 5 months.
Because of the “zero” this is now known colloquially as doughnut day.
Granted this is only a one day snapshot.
But today there are zero cases in Victoria (until recently experiencing a second wave) and one with a known source in New South Wales. All other states and territories are clear.
This is a trend that is encouraging.
The population has been through a lot of pain to achieve this goal what with lockdowns, business and school closures, social distancing, state and international border closures and increasing unemployment just to name a few.

There have been some rumblings about ‘over reaction’ and loss of ‘freedom’, mainly from the conservative side of politics, but support for Covid suppression measures runs high.
In the Queensland state election on Saturday, where restrictions have been quite severe, the incumbent left wing government was returned with an increased majority.
Many of the restrictions stay in place as a safety measure, some more stringent than others depending on the state, but increasingly they are all being relaxed.
It certainly isn’t all over yet. 
All governments are stressing the danger of complacency.
Life definitely has not returned to normal but you get the feeling the country is a little more relaxed.

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