Sunday, October 10, 2021


When I was a kid everyone grew rhubarb in their back garden. Stewed rhubarb or crumble was a standard dessert.
But with apartment and inner city living, its domestic cultivation waned. Plus it was easier to pick up a bunch in the supermarkets albeit at $1/stick!
We have relied on our neighbours for supply but occasionally splashed out for a commercial bunch.
Neighbour Jude’s crop had expanded to a point where she had some winter dormant crowns and rhizomes to give away.

I planted a crown in the garden where we compost all our vegetative kitchen scraps and the rhizome in a bucket of potting mix as I wasn’t so sure how that would perform.
As the weather warmed up away they both went quite vigorously.
So I guess we’ll give them a year to mature before harvesting.
It’s good when a horticultural project comes together.

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