Saturday, January 01, 2022

2021 / The Year That Was

Normally at this time of year, I look back on our year as well as significant local and international events.
Last year I did a bit of a photo essay.
But this year?
Not much to report on a year dominated by Covid, other than maybe the attempted January 6th coup in the USA.

Restrictions and lock downs were the name of the game in Australia.
Our biggest trip was to Wollongong, two hours north, for me to have a nose operation (skin cancer) in day surgery. In and out within four hours.
But we milked it a bit staying 3 days, in a nice hotel, for some cafe and restaurant R&R.

Other than Covid there was a minor mouse plague for us which we got on top of quickly. Farmers out west weren’t so lucky. A knock on affect was levees collapsing during recent floods due to mice burrowing into the banks.
But generally we stayed home, went on a few local shopping expeditions, ordered a new car (not yet delivered due to serious supply situation) and got the property looking as best it’s looked for years involving weed eradication, fence repairs/renewals and a complete revamp of the cattle yards.
Now we are in the middle of a severe covid outbreak since the state government, supported by the Feds, decided a ‘let ‘er rip’ policy was in the best interest for the economy and business.
Screw the general population it seems!
So far that policy has somewhat backfired and ‘they’ are all running for cover, not accepting any responsibility and blaming others.

How this will end is anyone’s guess. Hopefully with around 95% of the 16+ population double vaxed and boosters readily available, it will not turn into a major health disaster.
So we head into 2022 with just as much apprehension as we did last year.
New Year’s wishes to all my readers and, above all, stay safe.

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