Monday, May 18, 2020

COVID-19 / Australia / Social Impacts

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) surveyed what has been stressing Australians in the last month.
Loneliness topped the list.
Women were more impacted then men, with 28% of women reporting feeling lonely, compared to 16% of men.
Around one in five people (19%) also reported that they were experiencing difficulties maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which was more of a problem for those aged 18 to 64 years (22%) than those aged 65 years and over (9%).
The survey also noted changes to people’s lifestyles during the period early-April to early-May, including:
—22 % who said they are eating more snack foods such as chips, lollies and biscuits.
—14% who said they are consuming more alcohol, and 10 per cent who said they are consuming less.
—58% who reported spending more time in front of their television, computer, phone or other device.
—29% who reported less frequent consumption of takeaway or delivered meals, while -38% spent more time cooking or baking.
Socialising on ‘First Freedom Weekend’ with 2m distance applied

The ABS also reported more people were slipping on the social distance requirements, compared to March.
Fewer people were taking the following precautions in late-April to early-May:
—keeping distance from people (94% compared with 98% in March).
—purchasing additional household supplies (21% compared with 47% in March).
—additional medical supplies (8% compared with 29% in March).
The proportion of Australians who said they were wearing a face mask remained about the same: 17% in March and 15% in late-April to early-May.
Almost half the nation, 46%, is working from home, while 89% of workers who aren’t working from home, report it is because they can’t due to the nature of their job.
Source: Guardian Australia 

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