Thursday, May 07, 2020

War of the Weeds

As already posted the fire ground has produced a myriad of dense weeds.
Here are the worst offenders:
Thorn Apple

Wandering Jew

Paddy’s Lucerne 

Cobblers Pegs

Wild Tobacco


Thankfully our five year offensive against the poa tussock and the bracken fern has not been adversely affected. There are small patches of bracken and the odd tussock appearing but they are easily dealt with by spot spraying.
There are some other strange ones which I have been unable to identify so far but they are not of major concern.
Herbicide metsulfuron-methyl (Associate from Nufarm) with a wetting agent used for bracken, glyphosate for the rest.
Poa Tussock                                           Bracken                 

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