Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Winter Wood Delivery

Our normal fire wood supplier had no stock this year.
The fallout from the 19/20 bushfires is still with us causing shortages.
Demand is high as people like us had their stockpiles burnt plus potential sources on the ground from fallen trees and branches were also destroyed.
We did have a small stockpile made up of old partially burnt wooden posts and rails put aside during our post bush fire fence replacement phase but certainly not enough for this winter.
I have always noticed over the years a huge pile of firewood for sale at a local nursery near Milton called Gardenhaven.
Quality looked fair albeit a bit pricier than we are used to but there was little alternative.
Turns out it was at least 25% cheaper than in Sydney!
I ordered 6㎥ on a Saturday morning and it was delivered at lunchtime.
Top marks for service. 
It was dumped in a pile in our backyard within a short wheelbarrowing distance of our woodshed.
There was obviously a lot of stacking to do.
I looked at that as part of a keep fit or rather getting back in shape campaign.
The co driver and I worked on stacking an hour (10 load target) or so a day in the relative cool of the morning.
A few days heavy rain kept us from our target but finally a week after delivery it was all put away.
There was very little useless residue and a small quantity usable kindling in the pile.
And the quality was much better than expected.
Might just be our ‘go to’ supplier next year.

1 comment:

KrisR said...

Your lessons at the Ken Burns school of videography was money well spent. :) xo